Tag archives for rejection

  1. Going The Distance

    There’s a reason why Rocky is such a great movie.  A rags to riches story where a nobody boxer from Philadelphia gets his chance at the big leagues.  Every moment in the movie is an instant classic, from Rocky running up the steps to his final cry of love for Adrian.  But in my mind,…

  2. Seth Godin Posts

    This guy just keeps pushing out insightful stuff, I don’t know how he does it (although I do have a few suspicions).  Here are three quotes from posts in the past week that really struck a chord with me: “The math is magical: you can pile up lots of failures and still keep rolling, but…

  3. Fear and Laziness

    “Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.” – Mark Twain “Procrastination is like masturbation, the only one you’re screwing is yourself.” Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure.  It’s so easy to make the cowardly decision in the face of fear but immensely rewarding overcoming…

  4. Rejection

    There are some things in life that your wish you’d just known earlier.  Like the importance of reading, or the concept of dynamic programming or this useful tidbit of wisdom: “Don’t be put off if they say no. Rejection is almost always less personal than the rejectee imagines. Just move on to the next. (This…