Tag archives for goals

  1. Don’t Aim High

    “Don’t ‘aim high.’ Aim very, very high.” Tom Peters, The Little Bit Things When I first started playing the guitar, my only goal was to play a handful of songs decently to impress people (i.e. the fairer sex).  I learned some chords, I picked up a few tabs and tried my hardest to learn those…

  2. Planning

    “You can always change your plan but only if you have one.” Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture Life is full of little paradoxes.  Take planning for instance.  We make plans to meet up with friends that we sometimes can’t attend; we make plans to finish a project early when the reality is that rarely happens;…

  3. Fear and Laziness

    “Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.” – Mark Twain “Procrastination is like masturbation, the only one you’re screwing is yourself.” Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure.  It’s so easy to make the cowardly decision in the face of fear but immensely rewarding overcoming…

  4. Goals

    Back in grade 5, I had an assignment where I had write goals for the coming school year.  Being an inquisitive kid, I clearly remember questioning the usefulness of writing down my goals (I was a skeptical kid… or maybe just lazy).  My thinking was that if I wrote down a concrete goal, doesn’t that…