Tag archives for passion

  1. Moist Robots

    Scott Adams has this really memorable term for how to think about people: moist robots.  Moist because — well, we’re wet and squishy.  Robots because there are certain predictable behaviors that we repeat.  In situations like A, most people do f(A).  In situation; in situations like B, most people will do f(B).  Sounds very robot-like…

  2. Passion is Not Linear

    Passion1 is one of those interesting human phenomena where we too often confuse cause for effect.  The usual story about passion goes something like this: You have a passion. Either you have had it all your life (presumably since you were in the womb), or perhaps you had a life changing experience where you all…

  3. Luck or Passion?

    Preface: I wrote a post a while back titled: Lucky or Smart?  Along those same lines, I pose another question: Luck or Passion?  (hint: luck wins every time.) A very common piece of advice that keeps coming up, over and over again, is “follow your passion”1.  While this advice is always well intentioned, and perhaps…

  4. Why you’re going to fail to have a great career

    “Passion is your greatest love.  Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent.  Passion; interest; it’s not the same thing!  Are you really going to go to your sweetie and say: ‘Marry me!  You’re interesting!’?” Larry Smith, TedxUW If you have never heard Larry Smith speak, then I…

  5. Passion

    I’m lucky. I’ve known what I’m passionate about for quite some time. It probably started back in grade seven when I first started playing Warcraft 2 on my 486. The mystery about how a curious little box could bring me so much joy — hours upon hours on end — playing a simple computer game…