Tag archives for blackberry

  1. Big deals

    Another scribble (again figuratively) on my Blackberry: Today I burnt my toast.  I can’t believe it happened.  I’m not sure how I can go on.  My day — no my life — is ruined! My friend keeps telling me it’s not a big deal.  It is a big deal!  These are the order of biggest…

  2. Without a data plan

    One of the great things about smart phones is the plethora of things you can do with them, that is until you find out you need a data plan to do anything meaningful.  In that case, it’s like having an XBox 360 and finding out your only game is pong.  Great hardware but limited functionality. …

  3. Data Plans

    Hi, I’m Brian, I have a blackberry and I don’t have a data plan. Sacrilege cry the masses! But I have a good reason and it’s simple, I get email. Not a lot of email but just enough.  Enough to know that a data plan would decrease my productivity.  Let me explain. On any given…

  4. Updates

    I’ve been woefully neglectful of updating my website (web log?).  I think my original intention for installing WordPress was to practice writing short essays around 500 words about ideas that were both on my mind and others might find interesting.  In retrospect, this was ambitious which is clear from the number of posts I’ve made…