Tag archives for Buffett

  1. Farewell Charlie Munger

    One of my intellectual heroes Charlie Munger has just passed away at the tender age of 99. I feel quite sad because on the one hand so much of my thinking and values has been based on his writings and speeches, and on the other hand, paraphrasing Charlie himself, who I am I to complain…

  2. 2018 Year-In-Review

    It’s been a busy year! So much so that I’ve barely even had a weekend to myself to reflect on things. Thankfully, I have a couple of weeks off for the holidays to write this year-in-review. I did this last year and I think it was an extremely useful exercise. Sometimes things move so fast…

  3. Russian Roulette (or Luck Vs Skill)

    Imagine this scenario1 and see if there is something off about it: You get a chance to meet the world champion in Russian roulette.  He has traveled across the globe, putting a gun to his own head and skillfully not shooting himself.  He’s faced hundreds of opponents from every country you can name, including the…

  4. Fortunetellers, Stockpickers and the Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve

    Here’s a question, what’s the difference between the three of them?  Here’s a hint: not much.  Here’s an excerpt from an interview with Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve: “I’ve been in the forecasting business for more than half a century.  If I get it right 70 percent of the time, I consider…

  5. The Milgram Experiment

    Sometime in the summer of 1963 in a small town somewhere in New England, a young man named John stepped into an empty room to find a tall dark middle aged man in a white lab coat holding a clipboard. The man introduced himself as Dr. Milgram, momentarily stepped out and came back with a…