Tag archives for Tom Peters

  1. Don’t Aim High

    “Don’t ‘aim high.’ Aim very, very high.” Tom Peters, The Little Bit Things When I first started playing the guitar, my only goal was to play a handful of songs decently to impress people (i.e. the fairer sex).  I learned some chords, I picked up a few tabs and tried my hardest to learn those…

  2. The Biggest Underserved Markets

    This is coming from Tom Peters again.  If you haven’t read his book, The Little Big Things, I suggest you go pick it up.  It’s definitely on my top 5 books I think everyone should read (How to Win Friends and Influence People is also there).  Here’s the link, I think you might be surprised…

  3. Excellence is the next five minutes

    Sometimes you just come across a person who you just KNOW you have to listen to.  For me, that was apparent to me when I first picked up The Little BIG Things.  Here’s a blurb from a recent page I read that I had to share: “I’ve had bad days and weeks and months and,…

  4. Excellence

    I just started reading this book called The Little Big Things and after ten minutes, I knew it was special.  I know a book is amazing when I’m reading and I suddenly stop and think: “Wow, this is something I have to write down.” (or type in my Blackberry as it were).  Here’s a tidbit…