Tag archives for Herbert Simon

  1. Farewell Charlie Munger

    One of my intellectual heroes Charlie Munger has just passed away at the tender age of 99. I feel quite sad because on the one hand so much of my thinking and values has been based on his writings and speeches, and on the other hand, paraphrasing Charlie himself, who I am I to complain…

  2. Book Impressions — 2019-Q4

    Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom A re-read of this classic book that my friend gave me a while ago. I was looking for something lighter to read on my bookshelf (which is made up of a mix of many non-fiction books that I have and haven’t read but very few fictions books), and I…

  3. Evolution, Gambling and Life

    Imagine yourself as a small single-celled creature called an amoeba.  You are among millions of other nearly identical single-celled organisms vying to stay alive long enough to live another generation with one exception — your finger-like projections of protoplasm extend ever so slightly further than your competition.  Not a huge advantage, but enough of an…