Tag archives for habits

  1. 2018 Year-In-Review

    It’s been a busy year! So much so that I’ve barely even had a weekend to myself to reflect on things. Thankfully, I have a couple of weeks off for the holidays to write this year-in-review. I did this last year and I think it was an extremely useful exercise. Sometimes things move so fast…

  2. 2017 Year-In-Review

    With the way the pace of my life is moving, I feel like I haven’t had much time to reflect on longer term accomplishments and lessons.  So I thought doing an annual review is a great chance for me to reflect on the past year and figure out what I’m doing right and what I’m…

  3. We Are Mere Animals

    One of the greatest fallacies that we’ve been fooled into thinking is that we’re so different from animals.  Sure an animal can’t drive (or can it?), do long division, or understand the complex social interactions in Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but we’re not as far from them as one might think.  We still share…