
I just started reading this book called The Little Big Things and after ten minutes, I knew it was special.  I know a book is amazing when I’m reading and I suddenly stop and think: “Wow, this is something I have to write down.” (or type in my Blackberry as it were).  Here’s a tidbit from the first few pages that I had to jot down:

“Excellence can be obtained if you:
… care more than others think is wise;
… risk more than others is safe;
… dream more than others think is practical;
… expect more than others think is possible;
The Little Big Things, pg 10

Here’s another one, I need to imprint on my eyelids:

Excellence. Always.
If Not Excellence, What?
If Not Excellence Now, When?

I’ve been very fond of the word “Awesome” for quite some years now, but I think that it’s nothing compared to how much Tom Peters (the author) likes the word “Excellence”.  I must admit though, it’s a pretty great word too.  The combination might be even better, maybe something like pure Awesomeness wrapped in a gooey dough of Excellence?  Now there’s a recipe for success.