Tag archives for Charlie Munger

  1. You can’t outrun a bear

    Here’s another old joke: Two friends, John and Mark, are camping when a bear pops out of the bushes. John starts to put on his tennis shoes. Mark says, “What are you doing?  You can’t outrun a bear!” John says, “I don’t have to outrun a bear — I just have to outrun you!” This…

  2. Searching for Pencils

    Sometimes it pays to keep things simple (even though people insist on making things complex).  Take for example this old joke about NASA: In the early days of the space program, NASA discovered that using ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity.  NASA scientists — some of the best and brightest people at the…

  3. Holiday Wisdom

    Some wisdom from Charlie in time for the holiday season1: “Do the best that you can do. Never tell a lie. If you say you’re going to get it done, get it done. Nobody gives a shit about an excuse. Leave early for the meeting. Don’t be late, but if you are late, don’t bother…

  4. The Best Hour of the Day

    What do you do with the best hour of the day?  Is it wasted time watching TV or browsing Reddit?  Sold to the highest bidder?  Here’s a (not so novel) idea: give it to yourself.  Let’s listen to some advice from Charlie: “I said I would sell the best hour of the day to myself…

  5. Life Lessons

    I subscribe to Businessweek, a weekly magazine business magazine published by Bloomberg.  At the end of each magazine there is a section called “How Did I Get Here?” which profiles famous people (CEOs, entrepreneurs, celebrities etc.) with a timeline of their accomplishments.  It also features a section at the bottom of the page called “Life…