Books and Spending

Some people like to buy clothes, others electronics but for me there is only one thing I really enjoy buying: books.  Call me old fashioned (I take it as a compliment) but there is nothing more satisfying and exciting as picking up a new book.  A figurative wonderland of new ideas that can open your world up beyond anything you’ve imagined.

And for some reason, I never regret buying them.  I may never open the cover.  I may never read it.  I may not touch it for all of eternity.  But I NEVER regret buying a book.  I think it’s because I feel like those rare gems that I did purchase are worth more than their weight in gold.  So any amount of crap books I buy will always feel like it’s worth it as long as I get the chance to crack open the cover of one of those golden books.  So I guess in summary, I really like books.