What I Wish I Knew Now

Looking back there’s always something that I wish I knew when I was younger.  Something that would’ve saved me from the headaches, sleepless nights and failures that are inevitable in life.  But by looking forward there’s another equally interesting thought to ponder: what I wish I knew now.

It’s a hard question to answer since by definition you don’t know it. It’s like trying to pick a good girlfriend, most of the time you don’t know until after the fact.  But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep at it, learning and experimenting as much as possible to make sure you increase your chances of knowing what you wish you knew.

Tina Seelig has done us who are seeking what we wish we knew by sharing her knowledge in a great book called “What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20“.  It details many of her experiences and lessons with entrepreneurship, innovation and life.  After reading this short book, I could help myself from thinking “I wish I read this when I was 20”.

Many times the road ahead is unclear, foggy, or downright opaque but by asking those coming back, it makes it a heck of a lot easier to navigate.